Jordi Dauder is a Spanish actor with a long career in film and television.
In film he has worked in Lode by Andrucha Waddington, Tierra de sangre, by Dominique Maillet, El amor y otros demonios by Hilda Hidalgo, Negro buenos aires by Ramón Termens, Camino by Javier for which he received the Goya Award 2008 for Best Actor, and in the Actors Union Award 2009 for Best Supporting Actor, Cuatro días de julio by Santiago San Miguel for which he recived the Sant Jordi Award for Bes Main Actor; Recetas para ser feliz by Andrés Weissblut, La caja by Juan Carlos Falcón, La niña de las gallinas by Alejandra Borja, Somne by Isidro Ortiz, Amor de idiota, by Ventura Pons, Pasos de Federico Luppi, Oves, by Ramón Termens, La flaqueza del bolchevique by Manuel Martín Cuenca, El alquimista impaciente by Patricia Ferreira, La marcha verde by José Luis García Sánchez, Reflejos by Miguel Angel Vivas, Avec tout mon amour by Amalia Escrivá, Anita no pierde el tren by Ventura Pons, Smoking room by Roger Gual, Sé quien eres by Patricia Ferreira, Adela by Eduardo Mignona, Orígenes by Raimón Masllonrens, Free-town, by Javier Arasola, El árbol de las cerezas by Marc Recha, said, by Lloreç Soler, amic / amat, by Ventura Pons, among many other others.
He has worked on television, too:¿Hay alguien ahí?, Guante blanco, Herededos, Regreso a moira, Tv-movie by Mateo Gil, Hospital Central, Esencia de poder, Abogados, El comisario, Ambiciones, La tramontade, Le grand battre, Nissaga de poder, Pueblo nuevo, Un día vol, Los jinetes del alba, by Vicente Aranda,Peter Strohm, Caribe, El año en que nacimos, Laura, Por una mala mujer, and more than 20 other series such as Verdaguer, El hombre por dentro, Una Historia particular, etc.
He has worked in the theater in Platonov by A. Chéjov. (Direction: Gerardo Vera), El Burdel, by Llüisa Cunillé. (Direction: Xavier Albertí), Après Moi, Le Déluge, by Llüisa Cunillé. (Direction: Carlota Subirós), Don Gil de las calzas verdes, by Tirso de Molina. (Direction: Eduardo Vasco), Amar después de la muerte, by Calderón de la Barca. (Direction: Eduardo Vasco), La entretenida, by Miguel de Cervantes. (Direction: Helena Pimenta), Sonámbulo, about Rafael Alberti poems (Direction: Helena Pimenta) La Gaviota, by Antón Chejov. (Direction: Amelia Ochandiano), La dama boba, by Lope De Vega (Direction: Helena Pimenta), El alcalde de Zalamea, by Pedro Calderón de la Barca (Direction: Sergi Belbel), Tirant Lo Blanc, by Joanot Martorell (Direction: Pavel Rouba), La amante inglesa, by M. Duras. Traduction by Jordi Dauder (Direction: Alfons Flores), Bajo el bosque lácteo by Dylan Thomas. (Direction: Jesús Diez), La plaza de los héroes, by Thomas Bernhard (Direction: Ariel García Valdés), El lector por horas, by J. S. Sinisterra, with Juan Diego (Direction: J. L. García Sánchez), De que hablábamos?, by Alan Aikbourn (Direction: Tamsin Towsend), Deseo by J. M. Benet y Jornet (Direction: Pierre Chabert), La dama del mar, by Ibsen (Direction: Joan María Gual), La celestina, by Fernando de Rojas, with Amparo Soler Leal (Direction: Herman Bonnin), Amanda, de Karsten Arenhold with Amparo Soler Leal (Direction: Herman Bonnin, Antonio y Cleopatra), by Shakespeare. V. Eduardo Mendoza (Direction: Xavier Albertí), La geografía estilográfica, by J. M. Sagarra…Dramaturgy by X. Alberti/J. Dauder (Direction: Xavier Albertí), La corona de espinas by J. M. Sagarra (Direction: Ariel García Valdés), Un día, by Mercé Rodoreda (Direction: Calixto Bieito), El último vals, Dramaturgy, direction and interpretation by Jordi Dauder, about Samuel Beckett texts, Medea by Eurípides with Irene Papas. (Direction: Nuria Espert), Compañía Monólogo, by Samuel Beckett. (Direction: Pierre Chabert), Los enamorados, by Goldoni. (Direction: Calixto Bieito ), Santa Juana de los mataderos, by B. Brecht.
He is also an actor and dubbing director: Gladiator, Locos En Alabama, La Guerra De Las Galaxias…
(Biography and photo from the official website of the actor:
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